Give Up Too Soon

To combat discouragement and depression I have many tools at my disposal.  One favorite source for inspiration is YouTube!  Many times I will listen to motivational videos or music to lift my sagging spirits and change positively my overall outlook on life.  Another source is the inspirational pictures and quotes I have posted around the apartment.  Some of the quotes came from friends who provided very sage advice.  One such piece of wisdom was, "Don't give up too soon.  Your next blessing could be steps away or right around the corner."  Of course it would be easy to do that if we all knew when our next blessing would occur and during what stage of life.  Since I am not all-knowing, much to my dismay, I can't always answer the "When's and Where's" of life.  However, I must diligently persevere when the times get tough or when I feel like giving up too soon.  The flip side of that scenario is true as well.  I could very easily give up too soon in the midst of blessings, when I think the blessings I already have are enough when the mother-load of blessings is still coming down the pipe headed toward me.  Do I want an "enough" life?  Or do I want an "abundant" or "over-flowing" life?  As a good example of all this, I think of swimming.  During my younger years I would hold my breath and try to swim underwater for the entire length of pool.  Many times, when my lungs seemed about to explode, I would come up gasping for air only to discover I was mere inches or a foot from my goal, which was the opposite end of the pool.  I simply gave up too soon without knowing how close I was to the achievement of my goal.  To make up for our lack of omniscience, I suggest faith and obedience in God Almighty.  He truly knows what will happen and orchestrates everything for His glory.  In my obedience, God's desires will become mine, and I will experience an abundant and fruitful life.  The key is in the one and only Person who will not disappoint or abandon me.  However, I must align with and abandon myself to the reigning omnipotent in Heaven.  By no means is it a blind faith or trust, but sometimes I must simply believe God knows best and can't always inform me of His plans or reasons.  So if you are reading this and are discouraged in your walk of life, don't give up or give in.  Your next blessing or the desperately needed "break in life" is right around the corner.  Keep persevering.


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