Church Membership

During the month of February I attended and participated in four membership classes at Christ Chapel Bible Church.  Yesterday I finalized the membership process by meeting and visiting with one of the elders of the church.  It was a great but short time of fellowship speaking about our salvation experience, along with hopes and dreams for the future.  As the years living in Fort Worth fly by, I can see each organizational and communal involvement cement my place here in this urban center.  (Organizational involvement includes: Toastmasters, Christ Chapel Bible Church, Night Riders of Fort Worth, church home group, and other such worthwhile organizations.)  Becoming a member of the church helps solidify and maintain the focus on spiritual things, keeping me from thinking and believing this ethereal realm is all there is.  Without a true belief in a higher calling, I will simply live out my life in resignation knowing I have failed to achieve my goals and plans for this life.  As the sands of time pass through the hour-glass, knowing I will spend eternity transcendent of this physical body provides hope.  My heart and soul break for those who are unable to find substantive hope in this physical realm.  The only hope offered on this planet is elusive, fleeting, and a false one.  True hope can only become achieved through Jesus Christ.  I am so glad I found a new spiritual family in which to participate and fellowship.


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