First Day of Fall!

The first day of Fall is finally here.  This season is one of my favorite times of the year, stretching from now until early Spring when the temperatures are cool.  Even though I haven't been camping very much in the last two years, the Fall season is really when I look forward to and plan to camp as often as time and opportunity permit me to do so.  In fact, I am planning a camping trip for the Thanksgiving holiday weekend.  The Fall season really invigorates me with the changing of the tree leaves and the gradual cooling of temperatures.  Usually such a change in nature indicates hibernation and a sort of pseudo-death before coming back to life in Spring, but I seem to always come alive during this season.  Is this weird?  One great thing about the falling of leaves making the trees bare, is they are great for compost piles.  Have you ever given that much thought?  If I didn't live in an apartment or actually had the yard space to have one, I would very much create a composting area.  This is Mother Nature's true recycling program, involving rich organic material.  (Other ingredients like food could also be used.)  There are a lot of activities one could pursue during the Fall season.  Others argue this is the beginning of football season, but I believe Fall is best utilized by spending in the outdoors.  Do you like this season?  What outdoor activities do you enjoy during this time of year?  One last thought came to mind.  There isn't anything like sitting close to an outdoor fire while contemplating all God has created and blessed me with.


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