Readers of the World Unite!

Today is Read A Book Day, a holiday every bibliophile and avid reader should cheer over.  If you can't tell by my blog posts what my hobbies and passions are, allow me to make it very clear...I am a book lover and ardent pursuer of great reading.  I absolutely love to read!!  How many different ways can I find to say this?  Hmm!?  Anyway, I am currently reading my twenty-third book of the year, The House of the Seven Gables by Nathaniel Hawthorne.  In January I set out to read twenty books in 2016.  I had never set a reading goal before, other than to read for reading sake, but apparently I set the bar too low.  For 2017 I may make my reading goal twenty-five books, a slight increase from the year before.  Once I hit my reading goal during the first week in July, I did slacken my pace a little bit, but I do wish to continue in reading at a steady speed.  May I dare ask what you are presently endeavoring to read?  Is it fluff and puff material, or is it a reputable work of classic literature or history?  In order to simply get yourself to reading, I'm not so concerned with what you read, but please begin the lifetime habit of doing so now.  My love for books and reading came at a very early age, and the passion has continued till now as a man in his early forties.  It is Read A Book Day!  Celebrate the holiday by picking up a book and determining to read all the way through from cover to cover in a timely manner.  Enjoy!


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