International Literacy Day

To truly understand the implications of today's holiday, allow me to define the word literacy.  Literacy is knowledge that relates to a specified subject, and the ability to read and write.  The only concept I would additionally incorporate in to this definition is the ability to comprehend, understand, and show forth the ability to have a functional, working knowledge of the subject matter at-hand.  Most anyone can display some semblance of knowledge, however limited, and the basic rudiments of reading and writing, but it is the concept of becoming fluidly versed in the essence of the subject matter, whatever that may be, that truly makes a person literate.  Knowledge alone is only valuable to a point, but understanding and placing the same knowledge in to practice allows literacy to grow and blossom in to a true object of beauty.  Sadly, the present state of education in the nation does not allow for practical application.  It appears the responsibility and obligation of the individual to take the information given beyond the class room to iron out on one's own.  For the person of unique temperament and personality, this is great, but I venture to say this does not work on the masses of populace in today's day and age.  Most people are wired for either the arts or sciences.  Very few are able to crossover to appreciate fully both areas.  I am very much an English (literature) and History lover.  Science and math simply turn me off as I have no interest in pursuing either subject matter, much to my detriment in achieving a state of balance or well-rounded-ness.  Whatever the case may be for you, find what you love, your passions, and pursue them.  Become fully literate in the subject matters you are drawn too, not simply in the act of spewing facts and figures without realizing how they relate to one another.  Are you literate?  Immerse yourself in literacy and celebrate the holiday.  Enjoy!


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