Bucket List

Recently, in light of certain events, I have been taking a serious look at my life's bucket list.  Since getting exiled to Fort Worth I have accomplished little progress toward my goals and dreams.  Many of those goals and dreams I have come to realize are "pipe dreams," a vision for life not founded in reality and in consideration of my given lot in life.  Many items on the bucket list have been removed and replaced with more realistic ones, goals such as: travelling more within the State of Texas, camping more regularly, increasing the frequency in which I pleasure read, and focusing on improving existing long-term relationships.  Tomorrow I leave for Leakey and Rio Frio, Texas in order to visit a friend and his wife.  This will be a great start of embarkation in accomplishing the revised Bucket List.  Above all, the time away from Fort Worth will be rehabilitating and refreshing.  I am amazed how my temperament immediately changes for the better upon exiting the Fort Worth city limits.  Try as I may, I am simply not a good fit for Cowtown as I will always remain an outsider.  People are "nice" and offer empty homilies and cheap platitudes, but these merely insult my intelligence as I know they are simply placating me.  One day in the near future I hope to finally become released from this exile and truly get on with my life.  Until then, I am a fellow sojourner desiring a better time and place so I may truly act as freely as I was created to be.


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