
Currently I am in the midst of a lot of positive activity in my life.  Yes, I am acting in gratitude for a change.  Surprised?  First, yesterday I celebrated nine years of sobriety from alcohol.  This is in addition to honoring my brother on his 28th birthday.  (Yes, we share the same "birthday" of sorts, while my real birthday is in December.)  Then I am getting geared up for the fall semester at the University of Texas in Arlington.  For those who have been reading my blog entries, you realize what a struggle this has been; however, circumstances have dictated and I must move forward in spite of whatever personal reservations I may have.  The cherry on the sundae has been checking out a new twelve step group at church.  Certainly this is not to say I have outgrown the A.A. program, but this other accountability group allows for discussion of other issues above and beyond that of alcohol.  Of course sobriety from alcohol will become encompassed in my sharing as well.  I have a lot to be thankful for, and I must live in a mindset of gratitude for the blessings I do have.  Over the previous few days I have felt rather resilient, similar to the rising of the phoenix out of the ashes of death and destruction...a rebirth of sorts.  Maybe I finally turned the corner in my personal affairs and in my mental and emotional maturity.  Praise God, if this is true.  Or maybe God finally saw fit to provide a temporary oasis from the anguish of living in a city I still don't like or appear to fit in to socially or professionally.  Whatever is happening, I will take comfort in the present and enjoy the time for what it is.  What an experience to behold when a person's soul and spirit are given flight beyond the chains which were holding me down.  Watch me soar!


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