
On Monday, July 13th, I headed out to Lake Mineral Wells State Park for two days and one night of camping.  Yes, the temperatures were extremely hot, but I survived.  However, not surprisingly, I did manage to get sunburned around my neck and forearms.  It's the price I pay for wanting to enjoy the outdoors during this time of year.  I've been trying to go camping since March, but the rain and flooding the area has experienced prohibited me from doing so.  Finally, on Monday I was able to finally go camping.  Lake Mineral Wells State Park is a fantastic place to enjoy nature.  I camped there well over a year ago in May of 2014.  The park was such an enjoyable experience, I deemed it worthy of a second trip.  In fact, there were a lot of sights I saw this time I did not take advantage of the first time I camped here.  First was Penitentiary Hollow, the park's rock climbing venue.  No, I didn't rock climb, but I did manage to find my way down to the bottom of the ravines.  (...via stairs, ha!)  Then I walked around the park's outdoor amphitheater.  Who knows why I was oblivious to these sites during my first trip a year ago.  To make up for the deficiency, I enjoyed the solitude of nature and took lots of pictures.  (I'll include a few at the bottom of this post.)  Even though I was only gone for a little over a day, the time away granted a reprieve from the swirling mess called life.  Thankfully my head cleared, and I was able to truly rest and get away from the stress and storm of life.  Romans 1:20 states,
"For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities
-- his eternal power and divine nature --
have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, 
so that people are without excuse."
This trip, like most others, also re-grounded me spiritually.  I had lost touch with my Creator, and was adrift in my relationship with Him.  I may have felt un-tethered, but I was never far from the hand of the Almighty.  Thank you God for reaching out to me in order to re-kindle our relationship.


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