Emotional Hangovers

Coming out of a difficult time in life can be trying.  I can become mentally exhausted as I have just run the full gamut of emotions, the roller-coaster of: sadness, depression, joy, anger, and etc.  This is usually the result of trying to decipher what is happening in the midst of the storm and making the best decision I can make from a not-so-objective viewpoint.  Once out of the storm of life, emotional hangovers usually result.  An emotional hangover, as I have come to define it, is the numbing sensation of not feeling anything at all.  During this time of numbness, the mind and intellect attempt to reconcile toward one another, and the emotional psyche re-calibrates to normalcy or proper balance.  Until this is completed and we can move on, a period of waiting, a time of healing and restoration takes place.  The challenge at the point is to not emotionally withdraw from the world in order to insulate myself from further hurt and pain.  Then the second stage of an emotional hangover arrives, that of the doldrums.  Once our mind begins to clear and a new set of goals and vision for life gain traction, I wait on deck for the winds of the Spirit to give wings and new birth to a renewed vigor and excitement for life.  By no means do I equate the doldrums with idleness, but it is a time of deep reflection considering the growth and change which has just occurred in my life as a result of the most recent refiner's fire.  The storms of life can be tough, while the emotional hangovers embody a different sort of pain and discomfort.  As I move through this time, I must endeavor to not become paralyzed by the disappointment of not getting out of life the very things I want and strive for.  This is my Father's world, and I must earnestly seek His will.  However, I must confess, getting what I want from time to time would be nice.  Don't give up during the storms and emotional hangovers of life.  Keep pressing forward.


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