Life Isn't Fair

Life often cycles through good times and bad, as well as times of ease and also of difficulty.  Growth takes place in the tough or bad times, and I use what I have learned during the good or easy times.  When I am in process of striving toward a goal in the vision I have cast for my life, obstacles usually make themselves available to throw a wrench in my plans.  Sometimes these hurdles are simply the normal course of a person living out their life.  But the greater majority of the time it is facing the consequences of poor choices made in years gone by.  Either way, I must blow through the hurdle(s) in order to reach my objective and to become a better person by enduring the resulting refiner's fire.  What I absolutely must not do is begin to feel sorry for myself, descending into the mire of self-pity and victim-hood.  The "Woe is me...!" mentality is a cancer to health and success.  No, life isn't fair a good deal of the time, but I must keep diligently working toward my goal.  Life isn't going to hand me what I want on a silver platter.  That is the responsibility of God, and what He offers are blessings.  However, even blessings must be fought for and maintained.  The biblical children of God were given the Promised Land, but then were directed to go fight for it.  Early in life I discovered I give up too easily.  Obstacles also determine and reveal what I am made of.  Am I a man of substance or merely a flash in the pan?  Life isn't fair, but keep your eyes focused on your vision and goals.  Never give up.  Never give in.  The pain of growth in the pursuit of a goal is necessary and short-term, but the pain of giving up and not following through in the accomplishment of my dream will last a lifetime.


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