Like a Vapor
You are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away." (James 4:14)
Not too long ago I made a post concerning how fast time seems to fly by. Nothing has changed in the perception of time as it slips through my fingers like the sands of the hour-glass. However, the passage of time seems to have sped up to almost break-neck speeds. Where has half this year gone too? What have I accomplished to show good stewardship of the amount of time given to me? Abstractly each one of us is given the same sixty minutes in an hour, twenty-four hours in a day, and most of the time 365 days in a year. (Keeping in mind we have 366 days every fourth, or leap, year.) Whenever I indulge myself in the hobbies of reading books, researching the family tree, or other such personal pursuit, I see the steady march of time seemingly without much accomplishment. Does this mean I am enthralled in and enjoying what I'm currently undertaking? In the midst of such activity, does time become suspended or 'cease to exist'? Time is a novelty at times. However, like any other human being, I am subjected to such constraints. Certainly this is something which requires continual pondering. Until then, off to face another day.
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