
At the expense of other people's misunderstanding, I often share my thoughts about authority, holding oneself accountable, and civil or communal obedience.  Certainly allow me to immediately add a disclaimer, I am not advocating anarchy by any means whatsoever.  What I am advocating is people too quickly give up their power of autonomy and the ability to think for themselves.  I, on the other hand, quickly state I have to recognize someone or something as a legitimate authority before I submit myself to the over-arching regulation.  What does this look like in real life as fleshed out in practicum?  A drill instructor at boot camp in the military is a legitimate authority for an enlisted individual.  An institution and the people associated therein advocating for the status quo against all odds are not a legitimate authority, or at least not one I recognize and willingly submit too. The following phrases always give cause for laughter because of the implied myopic vision for life: "But we've always done it this way."  "That idea won't work." (Even though no one has ever tried it.)  And, "Get with the program, life will be easier for you."  For legitimate, vested authority there is also a healthy balance of decision-making ability versus not allowing those under authority the opportunity to democratically participate.  The same is true for accountability relationships.  In my life this plays out in the sponsor/sponsee relationship of the local Alcoholics Anonymous group.  Much to my dismay, the current person charged as my sponsor has been relieved of his duty as such.  His role as entrusted to him by my expressed permission was one of accountability in the area of abstinence away from alcohol and following the twelve-steps of the A.A. program.  In some instances this role has remained unchecked due to an irregular interaction between sponsor and sponsee.  His perceived role and delegated authority has turned into intrusiveness and sheer nosey-ness.  The difference between these look differently as played out in other people's lives.  In my case, the relationship turned toxic and unhealthy.  As a result, I had to let go of the relationship.  Of course I have other people in my life whom I have entrusted a certain level of accountability authority over me as determined by the nature of what is at-hand.  No one should have to subject themselves to a once good and healthy relationship which has grown toxic.  Health and growth demand it.  What I do advocate is a healthy counter-cultural lifestyle which bends or ignores rules for the sake of cutting-edge ideas and their implementation.  Contemporaries of the Wright Brothers told them they were fools to attempt flying like birds.  People scoffed at Magellan and Columbus for trying to circumnavigate the globe for everyone "knew" the earth was flat.  Galileo was almost burned at the stake for his "heretical" theory the earth revolved around the sun and not vice versa.  Amazing, isn't it?!  Keep pressing forward and don't let anyone tell you something can't be done.  Ask, "By whose authority can I not undertake the task at-hand?"  Live larger than life!  Our life's calling and destiny is much bigger than anything we can ever dream of or set as a life vision.


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