Language of the Heart

There is a hierarchy of sorts and a common thread intertwined among the art of writing, literature, and music; all of which act as the language of the heart.  Each one has a musical ability of itself: music is obvious...words set to music or simply a song which moves the heart; writing, or word-smithing as I like to call it, truly gives expression of the soul when poured over and exacted to our circumstances; and literature, with its intrinsic meter and rhyme, even in prose, creating a song of the soul which can become our personal ballad or cry from the very depths of our inner-person.  Whether in times of joy or despair, I continually find myself searching for the particular vehicle in which to sound the groans of the heart and soul.  When in the struggle to find voice to articulate the essence of what I'm feeling to the world outside me, other instruments of personal self-expression fail.  In my opinion, anything other than literature, in whatever form it may take, can not be substituted to adequately express the burden and longing of what is welling up from the depths of my being.  Over the years, writers, especially those of classic literature, have perfected the art of word-smithing and always seem to know how to express what is not easily captured in words.  Thank you God for the love of language, the ability to read, the intelligence to comprehend the message of literature, and the recognition when I find fulfillment therein.  Live long, read more, and write the very language of the heart.


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