A Fish Out of Water

 August 18th is a special day as my brother and I share a birthday.  He turns the corner on 33 years of age while I am only now entering what I shall call the pre-teen years.  Of course I'm talking about two different types of birthdays.  For my brother, his birthday represents the chronological progression of time, while mine is still a measure of time but in regard to sobriety from alcohol.  When life changed for yours truly, I had no capacity to envision what may be in store for the future.  The first three and a half years were spent on a forced vacation, an environment that really didn't allow for seeking out an alcoholic beverage as I had greater concerns to contend with.  It wasn't until I moved to Fort Worth that I asked myself where I wanted to go with this sobriety stuff.  Figuring the sober life hadn't been too terribly bad, I figured it was worth taking and running with it.  Leaving the garbage heap of life behind me, I could now decide on the course trajectory that lay before me.  After fourteen years, I haven't looked back.  There continue to remain areas of my life that need the work of the Holy Spirit, but I can do that with a sober mind and a heart that beats after the Lord Jesus.  As growth opportunities are revealed, I know the Great Shepard will lead and guide me through green pastures and still waters.  Thy rod and staff, they protect me.  Finding a table you have prepared in the presence of my enemies, I can find sustenance.  Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life.  Thank you, Father God!


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