Happy Sunday!

Regardless of religious belief, I hope my readership finds rest and rejuvenation on the wonderful Sabbath day.  The institution of such days were premised on no labor of any kind.  Unfortunately, I have already violated the intention of such a day of rest.  However, the integrity of the spirit of the day remains intact as I take care of a few odds and ends with joy as a act of worship toward my God and King.  The previous year, and no less the previous week, has been one of transition as I attempt to find footing in gainful, prosperous employment and satisfaction in social activities, mostly church related.  As I look toward a new week, I am tying up several loose ends to calm the mental anxiety of leaving responsibilities abrogated, undone, or quite simply to combat the behavior of laziness and procrastination.  Yes, yours truly is guilty of such irresponsible actions.  Whenever my mother and I talk, we always proclaim how much we have to do but are rarely in the mood to undertake.  Of course human beings aren't expected to fill their time constantly.  There are times when rest is necessary and appropriate.  However, I strive to fill my time with maximum productivity, not wanting to waste the day God has given me.  Time can never be redeemed in the sense of getting it back, as much as I would love to possibly relive my 20's and 30's.  Every day I should make it a priority to wisely use the time in front of me.  Doing so will minimize on time and opportunities lost.  The positive note of the previous week is celebrating twelve years of sobriety on Saturday, the 18th.  This is a highlight for me as I get to selfishly say today is my day.  Whatever the upcoming day and week brings, I hope to use the time wisely.  Have a great week!


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