Happy - Joyous - Free

These attributes are elusive and somewhat fleeting as I continue to try finding fulfillment in life.  Ultimately, contentment and joy are found in a relationship with Almighty God and the Lord Jesus Christ.  However, how do I find that haven of rest in what many would consider the intangible, invisible realm?  (Many would say, if it's even there at all.)  That's a great question, and the answer is that the spiritual life isn't as unreal as many claim.  To realize that materialization of spirituality, I must look for the seemingly minor details of life where God is at work in my own personal daily life.  In a world of instant gratification and satisfaction that seeps through one's fingers like sand, a resolve to live according to a higher, eternal standard is a must.  Transcendence is hard to focus on while the world is so in my face every day.  Work, relationships, and a whole host of other "fill-in-the-blanks" won't ever perfectly replace the rightful place of Jehovah God on the throne of the human heart and soul.  Today I reconnect with and reaffirm the role of pilgrim in this journey of life here on earth.  The three score and ten years many expect to find in this life, a great disappointment is in store if we don't look beyond death to eternity.  This seemingly meaningless existence is not all we have but merely a training ground for life beyond.  Humanity will spend eternity somewhere.  As a result, let us prepare for life in Heaven through a saving relationship with Jesus the Messiah.  Apart from Him, eternity will be spent void of the glorious throne-room of the Almighty making earth a twisted form of paradise that is not sufficient.  These are thoughts to ponder.  Choose life!


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