Cause for Celebration

On Thursday, June 21st, I had an employment interview with The Walking Company at Northpark Mall in Dallas, Texas.  Bringing along my lucky shoe horn, as well as offering many prayers to Almighty God, I was ready to hit a grand slam during the appointment.  The interview went so well, the manager offered a full-time job right then and there.  The only catch was to pass a background check.  Since all my legal stuff is over eleven years old, I was hoping for slightly better odds than from other failed attempts at obtaining better, more gainful employment; however, I was still on pins and needles the entire time.  Finally, two weeks after the initial interview, I heard back.  The good news?  I passed the background check and will begin work on Monday, July 9th at nine o'clock in the morning.  The anxiety was killing me, and now I am overjoyed with the results of what has transpired.  I was praying for redemption and mercy, and now I can claim another blessing in my life.  A return to the shoe business...woohoo!  Almost the entire time I lived in Houston, I was actively engaged in the shoe business and considered it my career.  Since arriving in Fort Worth almost eight and a half years ago, I yearned for a return to the passion of my working life.  Many attempts were made to get back in the shoe business.  It seemed as if I had the one wanted to even grant an interview, much less talk with me about my credentials.  Thankfully, all that is now over as someone was willing to take a chance on me.  Having been out of the game for twelve years, I'm sure a lengthy time of adjustment and learning will take place, but that's okay.  The shoe business has me for the long haul, and I hope to achieve the level of salesmanship I once had.  To those who have passions of the heart such as me, don't ever give up even though it will be easy to do.  God's timing is so different from yours and mine.  Keep trudging along!  The journey of life is worth it.


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