Mini-Vacation (Part Two)

Today is the last of several days off I had this week.  Mainly, I wanted to spend today recouping my energies and to rest in preparation for work tomorrow.  Yes, yours truly must return to working for a living like most people.  Ugh!  To cap off the time away from work, I spent an hour-and-a-quarter bicycling around Fort Worth.  All of the travels stayed very local, cutting a path through the neighborhoods taking plenty of pictures.  I even found a book box in front of someone's house.  If you've never seen one of these, they look like a birdhouse but for books.  Not wanting to pass on such an opportunity, I found Harper Lee's Go Set A Watchman.  (Later on, maybe tomorrow, I'll return to the mini-library to deposit a few books I will probably never read.  This will be my way of paying it forward.)  With book in hand, I finished up the morning's outing with one last stop on Elizabeth Boulevard.  Now I am back at the apartment winding down for the balance of my waking hours.  Again, I must get mentally geared up for a return to work in the morning.  Today has been great, thus far.  I also enjoyed smoking one of my pipes along with a cigar.  The rest of the day will be spent finishing the current book I'm reading and to simply enjoy life.  Now I must figure out how I want to spend the two days off I have scheduled for next week.  Have a great day!


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