Coasting to the End

From here on out, the rest of the year will fly by.  In less than three weeks, the Thanksgiving holiday will be upon us, and, shortly after that, the Christmas season will leave its indelible mark upon humanity.  Several weeks ago, several of my Kroger's stores already began to install holiday (Christmas) decorations.  Of course I thought it was very premature to do so, but that's the way it is now days as Christmas, along with most holidays, are very commercialized.  Yesterday I was scheduled for a doctor's appointment.  Since I'm accessing healthcare through the county hospital, I had to wait for well over three months to get this doctor's visit.  Good thing I'm not dying.  Well, at the last minute, literally three hours before the appointment, the doctor's office called to cancel and reschedule.  This time the appointment is for late in the afternoon on Saturday, November 11.  Maybe I can actually get to see the doctor and figure out what's wrong with my lower back and hip.  We'll see what happens.  The month of November was inaugurated on a high note as the Houston Astros won the World Series.  Even though I am an Atlanta Braves fan, I was glad to see the Astros win their very first World Series.  Well, let's see what the rest of the month brings our way.  Happy November!


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