Personal Projects

Lately I've been investing quite a bit of money, time, and energy in to the apartment where I live.  First on the list was to install two ceiling fans: one in the bedroom, and the other in the living room.  Then I had one inch by three inch boards mounted in to the cinder blocks walls in order to install curtain rods and curtains.  These turned out beautifully, and is probably the most prized home improvement yet.  (Keep in mind I'm hiring my next-door neighbor to perform all the work.)  Once those projects were completed, I moved on to the ventilation hood in the kitchen.  Some moron painted over it before I ever moved in.  What are people thinking when they ignorantly perform such idiotic tasks such as this?  I'm still shaking my head over this one.  Anyway, I tediously scraped off as much of the paint as I could.  The finished project looks okay, but I will end up painting over it due to the scratches I made on to the surface of the hood.  Now, for the final project, I am painting all the trim, doors, and baseboards of the apartment.  What color am I painting these things you may ask?  Black!  I desired a color that would contrast with the existing cream of the walls and with whatever color I eventually decided to use in the future.  Unfortunately, the project at-hand will need a second coat in certain spots, but I am pleased with the end result.  Thankfully, I haven't made too much of a mess, but I will clean up the drips and spots after I am completely finished with painting.  After two and a half years living here, this apartment truly feels like a home.  This doesn't mean I like living in Fort Worth any better, but I do have that mental and emotional oasis I can come to each and every day in the form of a residence.


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