First of the Month

Hello August, we meet again!  Almost two-thirds of 2017 is gone, and I'm wondering what happened to it.  Wow, how fast time flies.  The first day of August has been a good one.  First, it was a day off from work, but that doesn't mean I lazily spent it at the apartment.  At 10 a.m. I was at Cabela's filling out paperwork for an employment background check and a drug test.  Surprisingly, the drug test was performed on-site.  It was the first time I've ever had the "swab" test for drugs.  That was an interesting experience.  If you've been reading my blog for any length of time, you should already know drugs have never been a part of my personal history.  Yes, alcohol is a drug, but Cabela's isn't testing for that.  (August is my birthday month as I celebrate eleven years of sobriety on the eighteenth.)  Once that was all over, I was able to hang out at the coffee shop visiting with several friends who happened to be there at roughly the same time.  At 3:30 p.m., I had a coffee "date" with one of the pastors at church.  We have seen each over around campus a few times, but this was the first time we had ever sat down to truly get to know one another.  The time of fellowship was very good, and we ended with prayer.  Now I'm back at the apartment winding down for the rest of the evening.  I will smoke my pipe and maybe get some reading in before retiring.  Well, I'm glad for the day the Lord has given.  Hopefully it was for His glory.  Good day!


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