Labor Day

Tomorrow is the Labor Day holiday, and I am chewing on what that actually means.  I looked up on Google the history of the holiday to make sure I was on target in my thoughts.  Yep, the day is exactly as it sounds...Labor Day!  My desire is for the many who are employed, gainful or not, to find satisfaction in the endeavors they pursue.  Taking oneself to task is not something I am naturally prone to do, but God in the biblical book of Genesis calls mankind to work and toil the ground, to labor, for their sustenance.  Genesis 3:19 states, "By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food...".  To labor shouldn't be an endless cycle of survival, barely getting through the day to start all over again tomorrow.  I should glory in what is called work.  My current employment may only be a job and not a career, but I should use the time to glorify and worship the very God who has given a general call to place my hand on the plow, figuratively speaking, in work.  One day soon the payoff may come in finding the perfect career in which I will never have to "work" another day in my life.  If not, then I can still perform the job or task at hand with excellence, honoring and glorifying the same God who worked six days and then rested on the seventh.  Have a great Labor Day holiday celebrating the fact we do have the ability to work and enjoy our productivity.  Remember, we do reap what we sow in our labors.


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