Poem for Contest

Lament for Want of What Could Have Been

Deep thoughts.
Pondering reflections of life on the smooth mirror of a calm lake.
Intently I look.
It looks back at me…as I am.

Wind blows and waves chop.
The mirror now turn motion picture conjuring scenes of yester-year.
Parallel universe of alternate realities.
Lives possibly lived for want of other decisions made.
No’s made into Yeses. 
Right turns made left.
Where are you Robert Frost?
Where are you speaking of the road less travelled?
Speak into my life.
Too late!
The lake moves beyond the storm-driven climax.
Intently I look.
It looks back at me…as I was.

Myriad opportunities burned away like the morning mist by the dawning sun.
Regret over potential lost!
The lake becomes smooth as glass once again, daring not to linger in the past.
Intently I look.
It looks back at me…as I will be.


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