Anxiously Awaiting

Usually I take my first camping trip of the year during the beautiful month of March.  However, due to the nasty weather of snow, ice, and rain, I have been stalled in making any plans for such an outing.  Similar to a Quarter Horse in the chute waiting for the sounding bell at the racetrack, I am anxiously awaiting for a forecast of clear skies before I decide to break forth in full exuberance and joy for my first outing of the year.  The resolve is to not let this month pass by without a camping trip.  Finally deciding come hell or high water, I will head out to Cedar Hill State Park on Monday, March 23rd and Tuesday, March 24th.  Time is precious and I can not afford to entertain playing it safe.  I must throw caution to the wind.  Besides, what's camping without the threat of inclement weather?  It's not as if I have never been stuck camping during a snow or rain storm?  Has growing older made me soft and less adventuresome.  God forbid!  There is a life full of ecstasy and potential waiting for me in the great unknown.  Where is this wild heart from the days of my youth gone?  With this renewed mindset, I am heading off for the sunset in roughly one week.  Anyone care to join me in this great adventure, the first of many for this new year?


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