Happy New Year!

Another year is upon us!  Where has the time gone?  Not only a new year, but I am blessed with a new day each and every time God sees fit to allow me to wake up.  I certainly don't need a brand new year to figuratively start over.  I can take each day as a time to assess where I am in relation to God's will and His holy scripture.  Only then can I move my life in concert with the Holy Spirit's direction toward what God would have me do.  Already 2025 has been a blessing!  Last week I rearranged the apartment, with the assistance of my neighbor, to move all my books and research material to the front living room.  This has afforded me the opportunity to once again sleep in the bedroom.  (Long story for another time.)  Not only is it warmer in there, but the move has added more security.  For the previous four plus years, I had been sleeping near the front door and porch window.  Considering the neighborhood I reside in, this probably wasn't very smart or safe.  Thankfully this project has been checked-off the bucket list, a project that I had been contemplating for quite some time.  (Due to laziness, I suppose.)  I am also looking forward to celebrating ten years of residence in this apartment on February 2nd.  Wow, have I really lived here this long?!  Definitely a blessing, and one in which I am extremely grateful.  One goal for 2025 is to make a return to school in the fall.  The Northeast Campus of Tarrant County College offers paralegal studies and an additional certification after completing the core cirriculua.  After spending most of my life in retail, I have finally had enough.  The nature of the business and the customer base have changed too much for this relic of years gone by.  Maybe in growing older I have not achieved the corresponding tolerance for stupidity and entitlement.  Yes, I am one of a few who believes the customer is not always right.  (We can debate this later.)  Is it too late for a career change?  Not at all!  Often I am reminded of Abraham who was given the Child of Promise at the ripe young age of 100.  (His wife, Sarah, was 90!)  Or maybe like Esther who ascended to royalty for "such a time as this".  Age and other barriers or obstacles mean nothing in God's kingdom.  Of course the desire for more education must be saturated with prayer to make sure this is of God and not some selfish motivation.  There are other goals and dreams for this new year, like returning to the gym in order to lose weight and live a healthier lifestyle.  As with anything in life, it all won't happen overnight.  I must grind it out with my eyes on the Lover of My Soul for guidance and inspiration.  What do you hope to achieve in this new year?  Make the Lord Jesus the first priority in anything you do.


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