Happy Leap Year!

Every four years, an additonal day is added to the calendar to course correct our measure of time to better match the Earth's rotation around the sun.  According to a simple Google search, the Earth takes 365.2422 days to fully make one trip or revolution.  This adds up to roughly six hours per year or 24 hours over a four-year period of time.  Hence, the additional day to take care of the excess time and to get us back on track.  Six hours a year may not seem significant or noticeable, but I'm sure it would be over the course of a greater amount of time.  Seasons would become mis-aligned, day would become night, night would become day, and all kinds of havoc would be wreaked due to the accumulative affect of the excess time versus Earth's rotation around the sun.  While the Earth is taking advantage of its "free day" to catch up, how will I use the time?  Chores and other loose ends finally taken care of?  A day out in the state park hiking and celebrating life?  Or simply a day of rest to mentally, emotionally, and physically recharge from the rat race of life?  Both life and the time we are given are a gift from God.  Am I acting as a good steward of those gifts and using them for His glory and worship?  One day, God will call me to account just as he did in the Parable of the Talents in the Bible.  Take advantage of this extra day to better steward the gifts we are given each day.  Time wasted or lost can never be retrieved, nor does it carry over into the next day.  What will you do on your "free day"?  Happy Leap Year!


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