Time Stops For No One!

Wow, almost the end of February already?!  Damn, time seems to rush by faster and faster the older I get.  Recently I had another childhood dream die a grotesque and untimely death.  An employment opportunity in my career field popped up, and almost as soon as it came along it vanished right before my eyes.  Working for Kofile Technologies as a preservation and archival clerk would have at least gotten my foot in the door of a career that has been ever so elusive and cunning.  I won't go into the details, but the company dropped the ball and the door of opportunity slammed shut right before my very eyes.  No practical experience was required as there was on-the-job training offered.  In addition, they did not require a degree.  Exactly what I was looking for dashed once again.  Hope deferred makes the heart sick.  (A personal rendition of a Biblical proverb.)  In spite of this heartbreak, I do have quite a bit to remain thankful for: a great apartment, a steady but financially insufficient job, a vehicle, friends, family, and so much more.  Actually, I've accomplished quite a bit lately.  Life seems more bearable when I engage the world around me.  Recently I had an ongoing maintenance issue at the apartment resolved.  The door jamb to the front door was replaced making the residence more safe and secure.  In addition, I have a ticket to attend a stage performance of Othello at TCU on March 4th.  Accompanying the play, I will attend another play, The Mystery of Edwin Drood, two symphony concerts, and two baseball games all lined up for April.  Then I have some medical issues that are finally getting addressed.  A cyst and a black mole were recently removed.  On Wednesday, I'll have the last of the cysts removed.  On top of all that, the manager at work finally came through for me in approving the highly sought-after two days off a week.  These were all unresolved issues that were creating tension and anxiety in my life, which is something I can't deal with for very long.  No one can!  Guess it's the small things in life that make it worth living.  In reality, all of it is a wash...a breaking even of sorts; however, I can't continue to dwell in bitterness and resentment.  I must find the hidden treasure buried in all of life's affairs...the silver lining, so to speak.  Today was another blessing as the manager gave me the day off since the store was going to be overstaffed for today's shift.  This allowed me to catch up on a lot of loose odds and ends.  What's my point in telling you all this?  Tonight I was reminded God is not slow in keeping His promises as some understand slowness.  (I Peter)  Of course I wish He would hurry up sometimes, but He is God and I'm not.  (Something else I am thankful for.)  Keep hanging on.  Even when the rope seems to snap, the Great Shepard is walking right alongside to carry me through the storms of life.  Don't give up!


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