Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving and many blessings to one and all.  In the midst of life and the harsh reality of daily living, it is sometimes difficult to get an objective perspective on what's really going on.  Perceptions are created and decisions made contingent on the ebb and flow of the surrounding circumstances.  Experience has taught me this is dangerous as I need to step back for a proper assessment of life predicated on the Scripture of God's Holy Word.  Only the Sovereign Lord has complete knowledge of and infinite wisdom to discern life as we live it out here on earth.  Thanksgiving isn't simply a holiday one day in November...it is a daily lifestyle of true gratitude for God's many blessings and acts of grace and mercy.  More than getting a "want" or having a "need" satisfied, I am truley grateful for those things in life I didn't get, which is what mercy really is.  Grace is getting what I don't deserve.  Mercy is not getting what I do deserve.  Sometimes I do still need to suffer the consequences of my actions and behaviors, but most of the time life could have been a heck of a lot worse due to my sinful, selfish heart.  A dear friend and mentor passed away a little over a week ago.  I know a lot of people but have very few friends who I can count on in the thick of life.  In fact, four of those very close friends have all passed away over the course of the previous three years.  With each friend, I had a little piece of my heart and soul taken from me.  It is healthy to grieve; however, I only allow it to run its course for a short time.  As soon as it's over, I celebrate each person's life and the positive impact they made on yours truly.  This is what I want to remain thankful for, to count the blessings of each person I've come in contact with during the many seasons of life.  As the memories flow, I can joyfully look back with a subtle smile, often a smirk, and after a slight chuckle over the good times of comaraderie, I can move on with life.  As we celebrate "Turkey Day", don't let the commercialism of the holiday obscure the true meaning of what the day is all about.  I challenge you to make every day a time of thanksgiving and gratefulness.  Maybe on a daily basis we can name five things we are blessed and thankful for.  Anyway, enjoy your day.  I'm thankful for another day to worship the Lord Jesus.


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