Pebble in my Shoe

Throughout life, I have experienced various prolonged nuisances that have kept me slightly off kilter and agitated.  Whether these issues are designed to keep me both humble and grateful for God's many blessings, I still find the underlying culprit a pain in the backside.  Recently I have been dealing with bed bugs in the bedroom of the apartment.  My next-door neighbor and I believe they came from his neighbor in #4.  In the seeming migration from one residence to another, they have made their presence known and are beginning to make life rather unsettling.  As a kid, I would often hear, "Sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite."  In my young mind, I simply believed this was a humorous phrase to say upon retiring for the evening as there were no such insects as a bed bug.  Now I have been enlightened, dispelling my once youthful ignorance.  Ridding myself of the mattress and boxspring, which were in need of replacement anyway, I began to strike back at these pesky intruders.  So far, insecticide, along with a few other "treatments", haven't had any affect on the infestation.  The owner of the property called to inform of her intention to send an exterminator on Thursday.  We shall see what results this produces.  In the meantime, I will remain diligent in combating this nuisance.  During my time of prayer, I am also seeking guidance on how to handle the situation and asking for revelation of what I am to learn from all this.  One thought that crossed my mind was the many plagues Jehovah God inflicted on Egypt in order to prompt the release of his chosen people from slavery.  This may be a drastic over-reach on my part; however, I daily reflect on areas of my life that need to be rooted out as ungodly, expelling such behaviors that aren't conducive to a life of a Higher Calling.  Such behvior may not necessarily be viewed as evil, but could simply become a choice of better versus best.  Life is a daily work of art trying to model after the Lord Jesus.  In the midst of all this, I will continue to do the best I can in regard to the new "pebble in my shoe".  


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