One Day at a Time...

Websites and blogs periodically undergo maintenance by the host company, as did mine, and I couldn't seem to find the correct tab to click in order to post a new journal.  This is largely due to my lack of computer knowledge in learning how to navigate unfamiliar territory.  Just when I seem to master an area, it changes.  Ha!  I was bummed out about not knowing how to add my thoughts and struggles to the forum.  As you can now see, I have finally discovered how to go about adding an entry to Ale For The Soul.  Quite a bit has occurred since we last fellowshipped.  First, I celebrated two three-month anniversaries: the first is the amount of time that has passed in working for Enterprise Rent-A-Car; the second is the swiftly dwindling amount of time remaining on the legal obligation with the State of Texas.  Of course, both events are great mile-markers, but I must admit the excitement is greater for the final release of the legal constraints on your truly.  Initially I wanted to celebrate with a month-long vacation in order to travel, and the ability to roam free without a care in the world.  Unfortunately, that will have to be postponed till I gain enough vacation time and financial resources through employment.  Tentatively, I will shoot for taking a week of vacation in March of 2021 around Santa Fe, New Mexico.  This means I will need to continue in my tenure at Enterprise.  There have been times I wanted to give up due to feelings I wasn't learning the job or simply not good enough to perform the basic requirements of the position.  This is hogwash as I've only been with the company for three months, barely enough time to even know which way is up.  Father God has so enriched my life through the blessing of full-time work.  In addition, the employment involves great pay and benefits, plus the opportunity to work from home.  What more could I possibly ask for?  Enterprise isn't an end unto itself.  It is the means by which I can glorify the Heavenly Father, as well as to accomplish the many desires of my heart, both materially and spiritually.  I would be selfish and lazy if I neglected or treated lightly the very answer to prayer I've been given.  When speaking of answers to prayer, Jesus overshot what I asked by providing far greater than anything I could ever imagine.  What a wonderful Lord I serve!  However, I must also remind myself of the relational obligations I have in obedience to the one whom I call upon.  Do you know the One true God of the universe?  You can.  If you seek Him out, He will be found.


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