A Cause For Reflection

The Corona Virus has everyone up in arms about getting too close to others, washing their hands as often as they think about it, and so much more.  Even though we should all implement good social skills and hygiene practices, I firmly believe this whole "pandemic" is overblown and causing a form of social neurosis that will scar the psychology of America and its populace for years to come.  Thankfully I have been shielded from a lot of this as I already work from home and have managed to dodge several company-wide furloughs.  Certainly this doesn't mean I am insensitive to the plight of my fellow-man; however, I did see proof of a long-standing belief I hold, and that is people are one paycheck away from seeing their house of cards collapse in on them.  This world and economic system is very fragile.  What we are currently experiencing is evident of that.  I often hear people say they are prepared for the future, but I don't see the proof in the pudding.  The Corona Virus, periods of un- or under-employment, or whatever may be the case, I have been blessed by God with His financial provision.  Yes, I've had money in the bank to carry me through these tough times, but guess Who provided these funds.  Jehovah God's foresight and provision is perfect during all seasons of life.  Take the time to also re-evaluate your vision for life.  Is it material wealth and comfort?  Or, is it using the things of this world as a tool for God's Kingdom?  One day, we will stand before God with nothing to hide behind except for the very actions and behaviors we performed while here on earth.  Don't get caught!  You can know Jesus right now.


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