Ten Things I Miss About Houston

Not a day goes by that I don't miss Houston.  In fact, there are often instances in which something will remind me of my former life in that great metropolis.  Below are the top ten things I miss in, around, or about Houston.  Some are restaurants, others are parks, and there are a few items that don't fall neatly in to any category.  Enjoy!

1.)  Molly's Pub (Clear Lake)
2.)  TGIFriday's (Almeda Mall location)
3.)  Salad Express
4.)  Sagemont Church
5.)  Brasil's Coffee House (Montrose)
6.)  Shakespeare in the Park (Miller Outdoor Theater in Hermann Park)
7.)  Personal meditation spot (behind Baybrook Mall)
8.)  Friends
9.)  "Horshack" Park (think Welcome Back, Kotter)
10.) Diedrich's Coffee


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