Finding Waldo!

On Monday evening, I participated in a home group affiliated with the church I attend.  Several years ago I was fairly regular in showing up at group.  Then time passed, job schedules interfered, and I began neglecting fellowship with other born-again believers.  When my sister and I had breakfast a few weeks ago, she challenged me to re-engage with life once again.  Attending small group was one small step in that direction.  What does re-engaging life look like, especially when one doesn't have the same drive for life he or she had years ago?  Is it furious activity for the sake of socializing?  Or is it calculated, planned events that will provide meaning and benefit for all those involved?  Certainly I cannot attend everything under the sun.  I will wear myself out that way.  Rest and rejuvenation are essential.  I am an introvert whose energy reserves are re-charged by time spent alone.  The caution in recognizing this is I must not succumb to hibernating, completely devoid of human interaction.  (Employment doesn't really count as I am getting paid to interact with the general public.)  In re-engaging life, what other activities can I take on?  Maybe physically attending church is the next step.  For quite some time now, I have been "attending" the internet campus of Christ Chapel.  Maybe I need to slip the gears of life out of idle, quit acting lazily, and attend one of the services.  In addition, I would like to actively rekindle the passion for my hobbies: stamp collecting, family genealogy, and reading.  Of course I can't take on everything at once, but I can begin to move in that general direction.  I will keep everyone posted of my progress.  Until then, have a great rest of the week.


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