'Tis the Season

The Christmas season is in full swing, and I just finished writing and mailing all the Christmas cards I plan to send out.  Considering the price of postage, a good portion of these were comprised of electronic cards (e-cards).  Does this make me a cheapskate?  I don't think so since I tailor-made each one for the intended individual.  The time and effort invested in each card guarded against a blanket mail-out, thereby maintaining the integrity of the season's joy and blessing.  Each year, I also participate in sending out Christmas cards to inmates in the federal and state prisons as sponsored by Texas Voices for Reason and Justice.  I'm sure the act of remembering these "forgotten" people is not lost on the recipient.  Society can act harshly on those who commit a transgression against the laws and perceived norms instituted by the community, often "locking them up and throwing away the key".  We must remember, these offenders continue to remain a part of humanity.  The challenge for me, is to keep in constant contact with family and friends throughout the year, instead of simply remembering them in the feel-good season of Christmas.  Jesus is the reason for the season, and He continually sought out the downtrodden, despondent, the hopeless, and all the other regular Joe's out there.  I must follow His example of service if I am to remain true to the relationship with Him He has called me too.  Christmas is so much more than gift-giving and time spent around the hot toddy.  To whom have I not given much acknowledgement to?  Have I inflated my ego and perceived status in society to that of a false superiority?  Let us remember Jesus example.  Merry Christ-mas!


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