End of the Month Already?

This entire year, thus far, has flown by with rapid speed.  Hard to believe tomorrow is October 1st already.  September has been a great month, with a visit from family at the tail end of August and a new second job which began on September 9th.  What a profound impact the second job has had on my overall psyche.  Finally, I can pay down debt, save money, and invest in my hobbies once again.  Almighty God answered the many petitions I spoke concerning additional income.  What I had to remember is even blessings call for sacrifice.  The personal adjustment was to vastly alter the sleeping pattern I had and to scale back in the employment I hold with TNG.  Einstein Bros. Bagels will work out if I remain diligent and persevere.  Over time, I may tweak both jobs again, but for now I am content working four days for Einstein's and three days for TNG.  Another positive stemming from the new job is a sense of worth and that I do have something to contribute if someone would provide the opportunity, a second chance at redemption.  All glory and worship is God's alone.  I will have to work both jobs for a while till I get caught up financially.  No, I'm not behind on any of my bills, thank you God, but I do need to pay down credit card and student loan debt.  Unfortunately, I was under-employed for so long, I wasn't able to make any progress on the goals I had set for the future.  Now I can look positively toward the future knowing Jehovah God has provided a means to an end.  It's all His money, now I want to steward the finances in a way that is honoring to Him.  I wonder what October will hold?!  Let's find out.  Onward....


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