Year in Review

New Year's Eve!  Wow, where did this year fly too?  Along with staring down 2015, I also turned another year older on December 27th.  Who would have thought I would turn 41 years old?  Having a birthday, coupled with the onset of another year, gives cause for much reflection.  A friend recently asked how my year was.  Honestly, I had to confess it was kind of crappy.  (Different word was originally used for crappy. Ha ha!)  Upon further reflection, I slightly tweaked my assessment of 2014.  In spite of the low points outweighing the high points, I will consider the year as a wash...simply breaking even in this journey of life.  Some of the high points include: spending more time than usual with family, getting to travel more extensively this year, graduating from Tarrant County College with an Associates Degree, and so much more.  A few of the low points include: not getting into the school of my choice (UT Austin), getting screwed over by the only school who would accept me as a student (UT Arlington), having to withdraw from said school (a hidden blessing since I didn't want to attend school there anyway), moving out of the house I resided in for the previous four years, and a few more negatives.  Overall, I am glad in hindsight for the many challenges as they always result in growth opportunities and developers of my character.  What will 2015 bring?  If I am dependent on external forces to dictate my joy and happiness, then I hope the new year brings lots of good things.  This new year, may I reach down deep within my heart and soul for the true joy only Jesus Christ can bring.  Regardless of what may happen or life might throw my way, 2015 will be a good year.  Many blessings on everyone and a Happy New Year!


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