
Most people, however much interaction I may have with them, by and large under-estimate me.  This may play out in interrupted conversations with the other person's assumption I lack the necessary experience or practical, first-hand knowledge to sufficiently deal with the situation at hand.  Or the social transaction may take on the form of talking down to me, again assuming because I'm not quick to voice the educational training and knowledge or whatever personal opinion I have, that I am ignorant, slow-witted, or flat-out stupid.  Where or how people develop this opinion and treatment of me is foreign, groundless, and baffling to me.  Getting treated like this, effectively getting underestimated, is frustrating and offensive, but I often combat this source of contention by strategically acting in the very same manner people already think of me.  In other words, for personal amusement and a ploy against other people's mindset, I act naively to passive aggressively counter-act the prevalent opinion people already hold against me.  Is this wrong?  Does one wrong justify another wrong?  Does my behavior as it plays out in personal amusement exponentially make it worse?  Is there no justification in light of the facts at hand?  For the record, once a person gets to really know me on any level of personal depth realizes how deeply intelligent I am.  I am very well-read and educated not only in books and in the halls of academia but also in the school of life.  If this is your case as well, don't rush to open your mouth simply to appease the greater majority of humanity.  Strategically place yourself in a position of cunning and advantage in order to shock and awe those who underestimate you.


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