Balance in Life

How much is too much?  At what point do I cross that mysterious and elusive fine line into the realm of excessiveness?  Living in the same house for the previous three and a half years, I have discovered the materialism of this world has influence me beyond what I would ordinarily become comfortable with.  Moving from a large house into a smaller one, I am accosted by what I see.  Too much stuff...stuff I probably will never use or haven't used in months or years.  Now is the time to become a blessing to other people by giving these things away.  Moving is similar to camping in regard to helping me to re-evaluate what matters most.  As I process through the boxes, I can re-orient priorities and get back to the basics of life: faith, hope, and love.  (I Corinthians 13)  Thank you God for orchestrating life events which usher a return to a rightful relationship with and focus on you.  I am so blessed.


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