Change is Inevitable / Growth Isn't

A friend once told me, "A person can change while not growing as a person.  However, a person can not grow as an individual without changing."  Neither situation is comfortable, but growth and change is a must if I desire true change and forward progression as a person.  Of course people can change for the worse, but growth implies positive, upward mobility in every realm of an individual: mentally, emotionally, and intellectually.  (This is not an exhaustive list.  Other areas may include the social arena and etc.)  As I wind down my tenure as a resident of Fort Worth, I must let go of comfort and routine in order to move on to the next stage of my life.  In addition, I recently learned my maternal grandmother's house is up for sale.  As a semi-full time college student, I do not have financially gainful employment in order to afford such a house appraised at $240,000.  As I see the passing of the torch from one generation to another, the realization the old order of things must pass comes to the forefront of my mind.  As I mature into the place destined by my forebears, am I ready to carry forth the heritage and culture as established by my family.  This is the growth I need, to become the anchor of the family as I grow into my own, so to speak.  Each season of my life prepares me for the next.  As I look to move to Austin in May, will I take what I have learned and use it for the future as it awaits?  I hope so.  May God purify my soul in the refiner's fire so I may resemble Him.


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