Moments of Clarity

Roughly two weeks ago I finally had the long-awaited cataract surgery for my right eye.  This was at least two years in the making as the wheels of bureaucracy at the county hospital finally ground down to the day of the procedure.  In the time since, I have been very pleased with the extraordinary progress of sight restoration and healing that has taken place.  In fact, I am so overjoyed by the results that I will adamently request a similar procedure for the left eye.  Initially, the doctors stated there wasn't enough cataract in the left eye to fool with.  At the time, I agreed.  Since I will still need "readers" for vision up close and considering the newfound vision on the other eye, I will now push for a second procedure.  We shall see what happens now.  This whole ordeal reminds me of the moments of spiritual clarity I have when vision in the fourth dimension become crystal clear.  Today was one of those moments.  This morning I attended the chapel service of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.  Dr. Nathan Lorick, the Excutive Director of the Southern Baptist Convention of Texas, delivered the sermon focusing on Acts chapter 12 discussing the fervent prayer of the saints.  The focus of my life here on Earth should be the advancement of the Kingdom of God, building a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ and studying His Word.  God's Will is a relationship with Him, obedience to scripture, and sharing the gosple with those who are not believers.  Whatever desires and goals I had for this life must be considered, as in the words of Paul, rubbish in exchange for a higher purpose and calling.  When those moments of clarity are evident, we must capitalize on the opportunity to hear what God is trying to tell us.  Don't let it pass as some sort of whim or fanciful castle building in the sky.  Father God desires a relationship with us if we will only stop to listen from time to time.  We only get one chance at this thing called life.  Let's not allow it to go to waste.  Can you see as clearly as I can now?  Good!


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