Before and After

Have you ever had an event take place in your life that was so profound and left such an indelible mark that you now view life through the lens of before and after?  Maybe it was getting married?  "Back when I was still single" or "Now that I'm married" are phrases often heard in this arena of life.  Another scenario is to have tragedy strike.  "I was never the same after my child was murdered!"  By comparison, some events are more difficult to deal with and life-altering than others; however, the basic point has been made: something happened that significantly propelled an individual on another track in life.  For the sake of this blog entry, I will name two life events that radically changed my life's trajectory: a four-year mandatory vacation with the State of Texas and meeting the Lord Jesus Christ.  The catalyst for the latter is the former.  The relationship with the Sovereign Creator and His Son Jesus began at an early age.  It wasn't until adulthood and the epic disruption called prison that the Lordship relationship with The Word was firmly cemented.  Since discharging my legal obligation many years ago, I have viewed life through a before and after paradigm or worldview.  Often thinking I was sent to Fort Worth in order to live in exile, I would often reminisce about life in Houston prior to the great lightning strike that forever changed the landscape of how I lived or viewed everything around me.  The same is with salvation and living obediently with the Lord.  I have been radically changed with previous habits and mannerisms no longer holding me in bondage.  "Back when I was a nominal believer" or "When I merely gave lip-service to the commands of scripture" are confessions I clearly live out by my lifestyle.  Even time and the calendar were ruptured by the coming of Christ.  Have you ever heard of A.D. (Anno the Year of Our Lord) and B.C. (Before Christ)?  The progressive liberal (political correct) police are gutting the meaning of those two terms because of how convicting they are; however, the Way, the Truth, and the Life are still clearly visible through what has been created leaving no man or woman with excuse for how he or she lives.  What event has taken place in your life that you often look back and remark that you were never the same since?  Hopefully the change was for the good and drove you to the Sovereign Lord of the Universe.  He created you and desires a relationship.  Maybe the Creator allowed or orchestrated an event to transpire in order to get your attention.  He is a jealous God who loves us.  Look for Him...He is wanting to be found.


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