What Dreams May Come

Recently I had two wonderful dreams about living back home.  In the first one, I was hanging out with my former next-door neighbor and his family in the Clear Lake area of Houston.  The second dream included attending a Bible study with friends from my former church, Northside Baptist, in Victoria.  Unfortunately I had to wake up to the stark reality of my situation, and that is living in the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex.  I was extremely sad and disappointed.  Dreaming while we sleep can be a lot of fun and refreshing, but having dreams or goals in life can also become invigorating and energize us to reach forward in life.  As I have grown older, the many dreams and life goals have changed.  Some have completely gone by the wayside while others have undergone slight alterations.  Currently my goals are to keep working at the present job which will enable me to move back to Houston.  In addition, I need to pay off a few debts, replenish the savings account, and begin purchasing a few material goods that I've neglected over the years due to being underemployed.  To help keep these items at the forefront of my mind, I have written them on notecards and keep them in my backpack.  Whenever I get frustrated or depressed, I simply pull out the notecards for a quick reminder.  Who knows what may come of these dreams, but I can always keep hoping and praying.


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