On Your Mark, Get Set, Go!

The new year is already off to a great start!  On January 4th, I began working at Dunham & Jones law firm in their call center.  It's simply a glorified switchboard operator or receptionist position, but it's right up my alley.  Other than the IT Manager, who oversees the eighteen-plus employees, I'm the only male working in the building.  So far, I've been learning quite a bit and believe the job will work out just fine for the foreseeable future.  In fact, I receive my first paycheck on Monday and benefits kick in on April 1st.  Woohoo!  Employment with the cigar shop has been pushed to the weekends.  This will provide extra money for odds and ends till I get caught up financially.  By no means am I in dire financial need, but I sure could start paying down the credit card balance.  The whole process will take time.  Of course I'm concerned about wearing myself out with no days off or time to myself.  So far, I've been holding up quite well.  Father God is the Great Shepard, my sustainer and provider.  He will give me rest if I obediently follow him by the still waters near the green pastures.  Let's see what February and the rest of the year looks like.  I know who holds and controls the future.  Do you?


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