Year In Review (2019)

Happy New Year!  Last year was good to me in spite of a rocky journey in regard to employment.  As I grow older, which I did turning 46 years old on the 27th of December, I strive for stability and an even-tempered lifestyle.  Dramatic ups and downs no longer appeal to me anymore.  I am nearing a five-year anniversary living in the same apartment...the longest I've continuously lived in any one place.  Now, if only I can find that one job that will stick.  I had four jobs in 2019: I was fired from two of them, one I resigned, and who knows what happened with the other.  No need to reenact the cause behind why the jobs didn't work out; however, maybe I can find employment that will allow me to flourish as the person God created me to be.  2019 was a blessing for relationships.  One year ago, I met a new friend whom means the world to me.  As this friend as now moved away, I smile at the memory of her impact on my life.  People come and go and events happen during various seasons of my life, and I can't live on yesterday's manna (blessings).  I simply thank God for His measure of grace and mercy in my life and move on, looking for His hand working in my life.  In June, I was also able to reconnect with two missionary friends who had a great impact on my life during a tough journey in 2006.  Having not seen them in almost thirteen years, I stayed with them for one day and night in San Antonio.  The time of fellowship was awesome and sweet to the soul.  In September, my sister purchased airline tickets for me to visit her in Hawaii.  Not only did I get to spend the week with my sister, I also experienced Hawaii for the first time ever.  Even though the flight and lodging expenses were covered, I still found Hawaii to be a very expensive place.  In spite of that observation, I had a good time.  There were plenty of historical places for this history buff to visit and soak in.  On top of everything that has happened this year, the cherry on the cake for 2019 was celebrating thirteen years of sobriety from alcohol.  Taking life's journey one day at a time, I must trust God for the future as I concentrate on living in the here and now.  Maybe 2020 will be another stellar year.  Until I find out, I am grateful for a fresh start this January 1st.  Many blessings!


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