
Showing posts from September, 2018

John Bolton -- Protecting American Constitutionalism and Sovereignty from International Threats (Speech)

Thank you, Gene [Eugene Meyer], for your kind introduction. I want to thank Gene, as well as Dean Reuter, for the invitation to be here today. It is a true honor to address all of you this afternoon. I am here to make a major announcement on U.S. policy toward the International Criminal Court, or ICC. After years of effort by self-styled “global governance” advocates, the ICC, a supranational tribunal that could supersede national sovereignties and directly prosecute individuals for alleged war crimes, was agreed to in 1998. For ICC proponents, this supranational, independent institution has always been critical to their efforts to overcome the perceived failures of nation-states, even those with strong constitutions, representative government, and the rule of law. In theory, the ICC holds perpetrators of the most egregious atrocities accountable for their crimes, provides justice to the victims, and deters future abuses. In practice, however, the Court has been ineffective, una...

Finding Waldo!

On Monday evening, I participated in a home group affiliated with the church I attend.  Several years ago I was fairly regular in showing up at group.  Then time passed, job schedules interfered, and I began neglecting fellowship with other born-again believers.  When my sister and I had breakfast a few weeks ago, she challenged me to re-engage with life once again.  Attending small group was one small step in that direction.  What does re-engaging life look like, especially when one doesn't have the same drive for life he or she had years ago?  Is it furious activity for the sake of socializing?  Or is it calculated, planned events that will provide meaning and benefit for all those involved?  Certainly I cannot attend everything under the sun.  I will wear myself out that way.  Rest and rejuvenation are essential.  I am an introvert whose energy reserves are re-charged by time spent alone.  The caution in recognizing this is ...

John MacArthur -- You Owe Me Three Minutes

**Delivered to the 2017 Graduating Class of Blue Ridge Christian School**  Superintendent Reynolds, school board, faculty and administration, friends, family, and men and women of the graduating class of 2017. It is my honor to be with you this evening, to share this moment with you as you celebrate an epic milestone in your lives. I understand there was some talk of granting me an honorary high school diploma, but the administration decided against it because they looked at my algebra transcripts. I think the expression they used was “facepalm.” Thankfully, we aren’t here to talk about my algebra prowess, we are here to talk about you, and to honor your achievements. As I attempt to do that, realize that I am the last thing you have to endure before you actually graduate. In fact, you could think of it this way: the only thing standing between you and your high school diploma… is me. Perhaps I could hold your diplomas for ransom. I wonder what you might be willing to pay me...