In The Doldrums Of Life
As I grow older, the search for significance and meaning increases. Most of my life has fallen through the cracks without much to show for fifty years of living on this planet. However, I can take joy in and thank God for His continued Sheparding of this life and the manifold blessings evident all around me. This world is not my home, but I can enjoy the journey with my eyes fixed on True North. Father God and His Son, the Lord Jesus, are the only relationships that make this life worth living. On April 4th, I underwent the second and final cataract and lens replacement procedure. Knowing what to expect, I was a lot calmer while in the operating room. Beyond that, the subsequent weeks of healing couldn't have been any more different from the first procedure. There were lots of draining, irritation, and discomfort. Wow! I couldn't help but to become concerned I might lose the use of my left eye or come out with diminished vision...