Happy Birthday!
Yesterday was my 47th birthday! How did I get this old? Honestly, I figured yours truly would have passed on by now, but maybe Abba Father has something in store for me. The day came and went without incident; in fact, there were a couple of times I forgot it was my birthday. Ha! All of us siblings went out to lunch at The Oasis near the Austin/Del Valle area. Afterward, my brother and I found a coffee shop and proceeded to order two mochas while the ladies shopped. The rest of the afternoon was spent at our brother's house watching the first half of the Dallas Cowboy's football game. Yuck! I found a quiet corner of the house to watch TV on my phone. To my relief, the 1968 World Series between the Cardinals and Tigers was on one of the channels. The rest of the evening was spent smoking two cigars in order to celebrate another milestone. Now I'm waiting at the hotel for my mother and step-father to pick me up. ...